sur Valsoft Corp.

Valsoft Corporation expands into sales management software with acquisition of WeSuite

Valsoft Corporation, a Montreal company, has formalized the acquisition of WeSuite, a leader in sales management software solutions for the security and technology services sectors. The transaction marks Valsoft's entry into the field of sales management software while strengthening its presence in the security industry. Since 2008, WeSuite has distinguished itself by developing innovative solutions such as WeOpportunity, WeEstimate and QuoteAnywhere, intended to optimize sales management, quote production and customer interaction.

This acquisition allows Tracy Larson and Michael Fazio, founders of WeSuite, to maintain their roles within the company. They are excited to join Valsoft to continue providing cutting-edge solutions to their customers. For its part, Valsoft, through Gustavo Vargas of Aspire Software, expresses its enthusiasm for the growth and innovation opportunities that WeSuite will bring to its portfolio.

With the support of Aspire Software, WeSuite plans to expand its market presence while improving its offerings. This strategy aligns with Valsoft's vision of creating sustainable value through long-term partnerships.

R. P.

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