Valneva SE Announces Changes in Shares and Voting Rights
Valneva SE has released its recent declaration on the shares and voting rights as of September 30, 2024. The declaration, dated October 4, 2024, provides a detailed overview of changes in shares and voting rights within the company.
The total number of shares comprising Valneva's share capital stands at 162,276,901 ordinary shares, each with a par value of €0.15. Notably, the total number of voting rights, including suspended rights, is recorded at 178,144,731. Excluding suspended rights, the exercisable voting rights amount to 178,020,409.
Key changes include the transfer of 750,000 bearer shares with double voting rights and the issuance of 23,000,000 new ordinary shares through a capital increase without preferential subscription rights. Additionally, double voting rights were granted to 363 ordinary shares over September.
R. P.
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