sur Nemetschek AG (isin : DE0006452907)

Usman Shuja Joins Nemetschek Group's Executive Board

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Nemetschek AG (EBR:NEM).

The Nemetschek Group, a major player in software for digital transformation in construction and media, has appointed Usman Shuja to its Executive Board. The announcement follows a unanimous decision by Nemetschek's Supervisory Board, effective January 1. Shuja remains Chief Division Officer of the Build & Construct Division and CEO of Bluebeam Inc.

Usman Shuja is now one of three Executive Board members, alongside CEO Yves Padrines and CFO Louise Öfverström. Since joining Nemetschek in September 2023, Shuja has steered the Build & Construct Division, enhancing market strategies and leading Bluebeam's shift to subscriptions. Notably, he guided the acquisition of GoCanvas, a SaaS provider.

Before Nemetschek, Shuja held significant positions at Honeywell, BCG, IBM, and Dell, and co-founded AI firm Avathon. He holds advanced degrees from Harvard and Northwestern. His focus will be on innovation and customer experience.

R. E.

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