sur Upstream Works

Upstream Works Unveils AgentNow for On-Demand Customer Support

Upstream Works, specializing in omnichannel contact center solutions, has introduced AgentNow, a new feature that revolutionizes on-demand customer service. This solution enables customers to instantly connect with contact center agents through various Unified Communications channels, including voice, chat, and video. Aimed at providing quick, personalized customer support, AgentNow facilitates seamless interactions that enrich the customer service experience.

AgentNow's flexible approach allows customers to engage with agents via chat and video within a single session, ensuring a more personalized and empathetic service encounter. For immediate assistance, customers can simply scan a QR code or visit a webpage on their mobile device. Moreover, AgentNow empowers organizations to effectively manage high customer demand and enhance their overall support capabilities.

Rob McDougall, CEO of Upstream Works, highlighted the importance of real-time, face-to-face interactions in improving customer satisfaction across various industries. United Airlines, an early adopter of the AgentNow solution, has already integrated the service, providing their passengers with direct access to customer support agents, thereby significantly enhancing the travel experience.

The enterprise-ready AgentNow solution integrates seamlessly with Unified Communications platforms such as Webex and Microsoft Azure Communication Services, offering a comprehensive suite of agent productivity tools, omnichannel capabilities, AI-driven insights, and automation. This ensures that agents have a complete view of the customer journey, allowing for more efficient issue resolution and a superior customer service experience.

R. E.

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