sur Unusual Machines
Unusual Machines to Acquire Aloft Technologies for $14.5 Million
Unusual Machines (NYSE: UMAC) has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Aloft Technologies, a leader in unmanned aerial system services. The acquisition, valued at $14.5 million, is primarily in stock and aims to strengthen the U.S. drone industry. Aloft Technologies, known for managing over 70% of FAA-approved airspace authorizations, introduces its UAS air traffic management software, Air Boss. The FAA anticipates over 3 million drones in the U.S. airspace by 2028, highlighting the importance of this collaboration.
The deal's completion depends on customary closing conditions, including Aloft's stockholder approval and financial audits. Both companies expect the acquisition to finalize in the coming months, with a commitment to a seamless transition for stakeholders.
R. P.
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