sur UniDoc Health Corp. (isin : CA90468F1027)

UniDoc Recognizes Initial Revenue with AI-Equipped H3 Health Cubes Delivery

VANCOUVER, BC / January 9, 2025 - UniDoc Health Corp., an eHealth sector innovator, has announced the delivery of its first AI-assisted H3 Health Cubes to three major clients. These deliveries include the Aiutamoli a Vivere Foundation in Italy, the Municipality of Aliano, and Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Ukraine.

The Aiutamoli a Vivere Foundation plans to use the cubes in conflict areas, including Ukraine and Gaza, to provide essential healthcare services using AI technology and telemedicine. The Municipality of Aliano will enhance rural healthcare access, while the Okhmatdyt hospital aims to improve pediatric care following a missile attack.

This delivery marks an important step for UniDoc as it enters a revenue-generating phase, intending to enhance global healthcare access through its innovative technology.

R. P.

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