sur U-blox AG (isin : CH0033361673)
U-blox Sells Cellular Business to Trasna
Switzerland-based u-blox AG has announced a strategic divestment of its Cellular business to Trasna. The deal is expected to conclude in Q2 2025, pending standard conditions. This move aligns with u-blox's focus on its core positioning technologies, while Trasna takes ownership of the Cellular unit.
Stephan Zizala, CEO of u-blox, expressed confidence in Trasna's potential to ensure the Cellular team's continued innovation. Similarly, Stéphane Fund, CEO of Trasna, emphasized the expansion of their cellular technology capabilities and the acquisition's significance for Trasna's growth.
As a result, u-blox expects to see a reduction in restructuring and transaction costs and confirms a steady recovery for 2025, projecting a revenue growth in their Locate and Short-Range segments.
R. E.
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