sur U-blox AG (isin : CH0033361673)
U-blox Launches Innovative DAN-F10N GNSS Antenna Module
u-blox AG has announced the launch of the DAN-F10N, the smallest and most reliable L1, L5 dual-band GNSS antenna module. This new module features an innovative compact dual-band patch antenna, enhancing ease of integration and reducing manufacturing costs. It provides a turnkey solution for applications such as asset tracking, industrial automation, and consumer UAVs, offering precise meter-level positioning without requiring RF expertise.
The DAN-F10N stands out with its small size (20x20x8mm) and exceptional performance. It incorporates patent-pending packaging technology for easy surface mounting and automated manufacturing. The RF architecture includes an LTE B13 notch filter to improve jamming immunity, crucial for telematics applications.
Furthermore, the module supports firmware upgrades via internal flash memory, ensuring long-term reliability and adaptability. An antenna switch function enhances flexibility by allowing operation with either the built-in or an external active antenna. The DAN-F10N is available for prototyping with engineering samples anticipated by April 2025.
R. P.
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