sur Neurocare Group AG

TVM Capital Healthcare Invests EUR 16 Million in neurocare Group AG

TVM Capital Healthcare, a healthcare-focused private equity firm, announced a substantial investment of EUR 16 million into neurocare group AG. This Munich-based company specializes in innovative mental health treatments using neurostimulation and other technologies, geared towards providing personalized care with notable clinical outcomes.

The funding is intended to propel neurocare's growth, facilitating expansion across the US and entering new markets such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, it will assist in the development of new mental health care hardware and software.

neurocare’s digital therapy platform incorporates methods like sleep assessment, psychotherapy, and TMS, integrated into a cloud-based system, thereby enhancing clinician support towards personalized patient treatment plans.

Mental health issues affect a significant portion of the global population with escalating costs, projected to reach $6 trillion by 2030. The current investment by TVM Capital Healthcare aims to mitigate these challenges by advancing neurocare’s reach and capabilities in critical regions, especially the MENA where traditional treatment methods prevail.

R. P.

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