sur Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. (isin : US9001487019)

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. Issues Capital Markets Instrument Note

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. has released a prospectus detailing the issuance of "Garanti Bank Intermediary Institution Warrants." This document, approved by the Capital Markets Board, is now available to the investment community. It outlines the terms and conditions relevant to this financial instrument.

The announcement emphasizes a careful adherence to regulatory standards, affirming that the information provided is accurate and aligns with the bank's internal records. In case of discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions, the Turkish version takes precedence.

This release aims to inform stakeholders of the bank's compliance with financial reporting principles as per the Board's Communiqué guidelines.

R. H.

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