sur TRT

TRT World Citizen Awards Honor Global Heroes

The sixth edition of the TRT World Citizen Awards has recognized individuals who have made impactful contributions to their communities worldwide. Celebrated in İstanbul, the awards laud efforts in various categories, underlining the theme of "Inspiring Positive Change."

Hosted by TRT's Director General Mehmet Zahid Sobacı, the event was attended by key figures from diverse sectors. Sobacı emphasized the role of the awards in amplifying voices of justice and goodness, highlighting the importance of storytelling in promoting positive values.

Fahrettin Altun, speaking at the event, noted the TRT initiative's role in institutionalizing goodness and inspiring courage through shared human stories. This year's winners span various fields, including Steve Sosebee, awarded for his work with the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, reflecting the awards' global humanitarian impact.

R. E.

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