sur TRT
TRT Humanitarian Film Festival Awards 2024 Winners
The TRT World Citizen “Humanitarian Film Festival” 2024, organized by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), unveiled its award winners. In its sixth iteration, the festival spotlighted critical themes such as war, conflict, human rights, and climate change. Istanbul hosted the event, filled with film screenings, panels, and workshops, culminating in an award ceremony.
The festival provided a platform for filmmakers to tackle humanitarian issues. The ceremony at the Atatürk Cultural Center featured noted attendees, including TRT Director General Mehmet Zahid Sobacı and Fahrettin Altun, Head of Communications for the Presidency.
Fahrettin Altun emphasized the festival's role in advancing human rights, social justice, and awareness of environmental impact. Sobacı highlighted cinema's power in addressing global issues and noted TRT's responsibility to amplify marginalized voices. This year’s top accolade went to Ecuador’s Roberto Valencia for “The Strange Case of the Human Cannonball”.
R. E.
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