sur Trooh Media

Trooh Media acquires CheddarU's network of digital screens on university campuses

Outdoor digital media company Trooh Media has announced the acquisition of CheddarU's network of large digital screens, located at universities across the United States. This purchase allows Trooh Media to strengthen its presence on more than 325 university campuses, adding more than 900 screens to its network. According to Vice President of Customer Partnerships, Kennedy Turner, this expansion complements the company's existing network and opens access to new locations in the United States.

Trooh's screens, located in non-academic areas of campuses, provide a relevant communication channel for interacting with students aged 18-24. For marketers, this represents a unique opportunity to target this age group through a comprehensive technology platform dedicated to advertising. Alison Jacobs, CRO of Trooh, sees this acquisition as a key moment in the company's evolution, confirming its ability to offer brands exceptional reach among young adults.

R. H.

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