sur Travis Perkins (isin : GB0007739609)

Travis Perkins Appoints BofA Securities as Joint Corporate Broker

Travis Perkins plc, the United Kingdom's largest building materials distributor, has appointed BofA Securities as a joint corporate broker. This decision pairs BofA Securities with the existing broker, RBC Capital Markets. The company aims to strengthen its financial advisory and enhance market presence through this collaboration.

The appointment indicates Travis Perkins' commitment to leveraging expert financial services to navigate market dynamics effectively. BofA's inclusion is expected to offer strategic support alongside RBC, aligning with the company’s growth and operational objectives.

For further information, interested parties are directed to contact Travis Perkins' CFO, Duncan Cooper, or the Director of Investor Relations, Matt Worster. Additionally, contact details for representatives of both BofA Securities and RBC Capital Markets are provided for direct inquiries.

R. P.

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