sur TravelNurseSource

TravelNurseSource Launches QuickConnect to Streamline Healthcare Recruitment

TravelNurseSource, a prominent player in healthcare recruitment, launched QuickConnect, a new platform aimed at enhancing candidate matching and improving recruitment efficiency. QuickConnect employs a pay-per-applicant model that prioritizes performance, benefitting both nursing professionals and healthcare agencies.

Oliver Feakins, CEO of TravelNurseSource, emphasized that QuickConnect is part of a broader commitment to innovate recruitment tools for quicker and easier nurse placements. The platform aims to refine job-candidate matching processes, using advanced programmatic marketing techniques to better align candidate skills and desires with available positions.

The introduction of QuickConnect has already resulted in a 35% increase in platform activity. By prioritizing candidate intent and using data analytics, the system ensures enhanced candidate exposure and higher application rates, which contributes to more effective hiring and reduced costs for clients.

QuickConnect also marks a significant stride forward in digital recruitment strategies, integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning to further optimize its capabilities over the coming years. This technology-driven approach not only streamlines the job search experience but also fosters a more competitive marketplace through a transparent pricing model.

R. P.

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