sur Transpacific Resources Inc (isin : US8760301072)

Transpacific Expands Claims and Strengthens Management

Transpacific Resources Inc. has announced the acquisition of new claims to expand its property portfolios in Ontario and Quebec. Key additions include 36 claims at Ferris Lake in Raymond Township and 7 additional claims both in Marriott Township and along the Ontario-Quebec border, thereby extending the Field of Dreams Property. The move follows geological structures linked to mineral-rich fault zones, signaling the potential for valuable resource discoveries.

CEO Jim Renaud highlights that these expansions target critical geological features similar to those hosting significant mineral deposits nearby. The Field of Dreams Property is set to benefit from its proximity to the Destor-Porcupine Fault Zone, associated with known metal discoveries.

In management changes, Erik H Martin has joined as Chief Financial Officer to support Transpacific's goal of re-listing on a Canadian exchange. His extensive experience in the mining sector is expected to guide the company's financial strategy.

R. P.

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