sur Touchstone Exploration, Inc. (isin : CA89156L1085)

Touchstone Exploration Outlines 2025 Financial Strategy and Growth Plans

Touchstone Exploration Inc. has released its preliminary financial guidance for 2025. With a focus on sustainable growth, the company aims to leverage its Cascadura asset infrastructure. The capital budget for the year is set at $23 million, primarily targeted at the Cascadura field, with plans to drill four development wells to enhance production and performance.

Funding for these initiatives will be derived from a combination of operational cash flows and increased debt facilities, anticipated to rise by $10 million in early 2025. The company expects to maintain net debt levels comparable to 2024, aligning with its financial stability goals.

Projected average daily production for 2025 is between 6,700 and 7,300 barrels of oil equivalent per day, marking a growth of approximately 19% from 2024. The production mix is expected to consist of 77% natural gas. Touchstone anticipates generating $22 million from operations, resulting in a debt-to-funds flow ratio within its target range.

R. H.

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