TotalEnergies Secures Renewable Electricity Deal with Saint-Gobain
TotalEnergies has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Saint-Gobain to supply renewable electricity to its French facilities. Starting January 2026, TotalEnergies will provide a total of 875 GWh over five years. This electricity will be sourced from TotalEnergies’ wind and solar plants across France.
This agreement follows a previous biomethane supply contract and highlights a shared commitment to reducing carbon emissions in French industry. Sophie Chevalier of TotalEnergies emphasized the company's portfolio in renewables, noting its impact on preventing 800,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually in France.
Saint-Gobain aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, with 30% of its French electricity set to come from renewable sources by 2027. The PPA aligns TotalEnergies with other clients like Amazon and Microsoft, showcasing its role in supporting decarbonization efforts globally.
R. P.
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