TotalEnergies is committed to clean cooking in Africa and India
During the Clean Cooking Summit organized by the International Energy Agency in Paris, TotalEnergies unveiled its clean cooking expansion project. The initiative aims to provide 100 million people in Africa and India with access to sustainable cooking solutions by 2030. The company will invest more than $400 million in the development of LPG for cooking.
In addition, TotalEnergies will introduce pay-as-you-cook digital technologies. This system will allow users to only pay for the LPG consumed, thus facilitating access to cleaner energy. According to the IEA, 2.3 billion people use traditional cooking methods, creating health and environmental risks. LPG could improve living conditions, reduce gender inequalities and limit deforestation and CO₂ emissions.
This approach is part of TotalEnergies' sustainable development policy, aiming to promote access to affordable and clean energy, while having a positive impact on the environment and societies in Africa and India.
R. P.
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