TotalEnergies Announces Major Investment in Sustainable Forestry in the U.S.

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action TOTALENERGIES (EPA:TTE).

TotalEnergies has committed $100 million to sustainable forestry operations in the United States. Partnering with Anew Climate and Aurora Sustainable Lands, the project aims to enhance carbon storage and promote sustainable management practices across 300,000 hectares in ten states.

The initiative seeks to protect forests from heavy timber harvesting, improve water and soil quality, and safeguard biodiversity. Carbon credits generated will be acquired by TotalEnergies and used to offset direct emissions beyond 2030, aligning with the company's voluntary carbon market principles.

This move supports the U.S. government’s Voluntary Carbon Markets Principles and reinforces TotalEnergies' commitment to transparency and environmental protection. Adrien Henry, TotalEnergies' Vice President of Nature Based Solutions, emphasized the importance of these partnerships for achieving carbon neutrality.

Anew Climate CEO Angela Schwarz and Aurora Sustainable Lands CEO Jamie Houston expressed their enthusiasm for the collaboration. Both highlighted the importance of this investment in driving substantial climate impact and protecting vital ecosystems across U.S. forestlands.

R. P.

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