sur Tosyali Holding

Tosyalı Sulb Begins Construction of World’s Largest DRI Complex in Libya

Tosyalı, a global producer of green steel, is expanding its investments across three continents. Tosyalı and the Libya United Steel Company for Iron and Steel Industry (SULB) have signed an agreement to build the world's largest Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) complex in Benghazi, Libya.

Fuat Tosyalı, Chairman of Tosyalı Holding, expressed excitement about the project, highlighting the regional economic and environmental benefits. The new complex, equipped with advanced technology, aims to meet global steel industry needs by producing high-quality green steel products with low carbon emissions.

Ahmed Gadalla, Chairman of SULB, emphasized the significance of the partnership in advancing Benghazi's industrialization. This collaboration will enhance economic ties between Benghazi and Turkey, positioning Benghazi as a key player in global steel production.

The new company, Tosyalı-SULB, will establish the world's largest DRI plants with a total capacity of 8.1 million tons. The plants will use MIDREX Flexi DRI technology, allowing operation with hydrogen, making it a leading base for green steel production. The first phase will begin immediately, with a capacity of 2.7 million tons, supplying the region and Europe.

Upon completion, Tosyalı will become the largest supplier of Hot Bricket Iron (HBI), a key product in the green transformation process.

R. H.

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