sur Topper Cigar Company, Inc.

Topper Cigar Company Introduces "Topper 1894" Celebrating 130 Years of Legacy

Topper Cigar Company, Inc., based in Southington, CT, has announced the launch of the "Topper 1894" cigar line, marking its 130th anniversary. This new product release coincides with the revelation that Topper Cigar is the oldest family-owned cigar company in the United States. The discovery of historical documents by Chris Topper, a fourth-generation family member, places the company's inception in the year 1894.

Chris Topper expressed excitement over uncovering a 1921 letter from his great-grandfather that highlighted the brand's long-standing heritage. This discovery led to the decision to launch the Topper 1894 line as a tribute to the family's legacy and to appeal to the modern cigar connoisseur. The Topper 1894 series, celebrated for its craftsmanship and tradition, features handcrafted cigars made from Habano seed tobacco grown in the U.S. and U.S. seed tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.

Contact information for further details on Topper Cigar and the Topper 1894 line is provided, encouraging enthusiasts to stay updated through the company's social media channels.

R. P.

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