sur TONNER DRONES (isin : FR001400H2X4)
Tonner Drones Ends Relationship with Trust and Stops Further Dilution
Tonner Drones has achieved a historic milestone by entering an agreement with the settlers of the Fiducie A trust. This agreement stops further dilution of the company's shares.
D.M. van den Ouden, a board director, purchased the €1.49M Trust contract to halt further dilution. The right to make conversions has been removed from the contract. The interest rate under the contract has been reduced to 4% per year from 12%, and the maturity extended to June 30, 2026. As a result, the company is not subject to any further dilutive instruments, marking a significant change.
The planned issuance of 10 million shares to the Trust has been cancelled. Additionally, the company will not make €700,000 in cash payments that were planned for July and October of 2024. The Trust’s debt has been restructured and transferred to Mr. van den Ouden.
R. P.
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