sur Tocvan Ventures Corp (isin : CA88900N1050)

Tocvan Ventures Reports Significant Gold Discovery in Gran Pilar Project

Tocvan Ventures Corp. announced notable drilling results from its Gran Pilar Gold-Silver Project in Sonora, Mexico. A recent core drilling program discovered 10.3 g/t gold over 9.7 meters, with a high grade of 60.6 g/t over 1.6 meters, marking the highest grade since the project's discovery in 1996. This significant mineralization occurs near surface within a broader 83.5-meter zone averaging 1.3 g/t gold.

Core hole JES-25-103, located further northwest, returned 3.7 meters of 0.4 g/t gold, 39 g/t silver, and 2.6% copper. These results indicate potential for future development, aligning with Tocvan's observations of mineralization styles. CEO Brodie Sutherland highlighted the potential for advancing resource development and identifying initial mining focus areas.

The company plans a pilot facility to process up to 50,000 tonnes of material, aiming for development in early 2025. This project, supported by previous successful bulk samples, shows promise for showcasing the region's mineral potential.

R. E.

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