sur Tocvan Ventures Corp (isin : CA88900N1050)

Tocvan Ventures Announces Promising Drilling Results at Gran Pilar Project

Tocvan Ventures Corp recently revealed results from its latest core drilling at the Gran Pilar Gold-Silver Project located in Sonora, Mexico. Highlight of the announcement is a drill hole, identified as JES-25-105, which returned 1.6 g/t gold over 36.3 meters from surface. Within this interval, significant sections included 15.2 g/t gold over 1.2 meters and 5.8 g/t over 3 meters. These findings demonstrate a notable improvement upon historic drill results in the area.

The current set of results stems from ten completed core drill holes totaling 1,167.5 meters. Four of these holes have released results, while outcomes for six additional holes are pending. CEO Brodie Sutherland stated that the infill drilling is crucial for determining areas with moderate to high-grade ore for future mining operations.

Alongside project development discussions, Tocvan is planning a pilot facility. This will explore the project's potential with gold prices currently at high levels. Management believes this approach will offer insight into the property’s full capability, preparing for early 2025 operations.

R. P.

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