sur Tocvan Ventures Corp (isin : CA88900N1050)
Tocvan Reports New Gold Discovery at Gran Pilar Project
Tocvan Ventures Corp has announced a significant gold discovery at its Gran Pilar Gold Silver Project in Sonora, Mexico. This comes after the completion of four Reverse Circulation drilling holes in the expansion area, revealing high-grade gold zones. One notable result is a new high-grade section that returned 19.4 g/t Au over 3.1 meters within a broader zone averaging 0.6 g/t Au from the surface to 106.8 meters.
These findings mark the best results outside the project's Main Zone, showcasing potential for broader mineralization in the region. The drill program aims to expand understanding of mineral deposits in the area through further testing.
The results add to Tocvan's exploration successes and align with the company's strategy to advance its gold-silver projects in Mexico. The company plans to continue drilling along the northern and eastern extensions to further assess the area's potential.
R. H.
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