sur Think Research (isin : CA88410J1075)

Think Research Announces Sale of BioPharma Services

Think Research Corporation has announced the sale of its subsidiary, BioPharma Services, to HEALWELL AI. This divestiture is a strategic step to sharpen Think's focus on its core software and content business, aiming to enhance customer service and product innovation.

Think Research, known for its digital health software solutions, believes the sale will allow the company to allocate more resources towards improving healthcare access and supporting clinical decisions through advanced digital tools. CEO Sachin Aggarwal stated that this move empowers them to better respond to evolving customer needs.

BioPharma Services, acquired by Think in 2021, is a reputable contract research organization specializing in Phase 1 clinical trials. The sale aligns with Think’s mission to transform healthcare and support informed clinical decisions, ensuring ongoing services without disruption.

R. E.

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