sur 1836 Total Commerce, LLC

Thermajohn and Thermajane Attain Global Recycled Standard Certification

1836 Total Commerce has announced that its brands, Thermajohn and Thermajane, have been awarded the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification. This prestigious recognition affirms the brands' commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship in the production of thermal underwear for men, women, boys, and girls. The GRS certification is an acknowledgment of the brands’ use of recycled materials and their compliance with comprehensive environmental and social criteria.

Thermajohn and Thermajane have integrated sustainable methods into their production, emphasizing the importance of eco-friendly practices. This certification showcases their use of substantial portions of recycled materials, reducing dependence on virgin resources and minimizing environmental impact. Furthermore, it highlights adherence to ethical manufacturing processes and strict chemical management, ensuring safety, ethics, and fairness within the workplace, while also maintaining a safe and eco-friendly environment for consumers.

“This certification is just the beginning of our journey toward environmental responsibility,” stated Daniel Ugowitz, Marketing Manager at 1836 Total Commerce. The company underlines its continuous effort to meet and exceed sustainability standards, aiming to make a significant impact through its products. Thermajohn and Thermajane's commitment to expanding their eco-friendly product range while enhancing sustainable practices underscores their dedication to making a difference in the thermal wear market.

R. H.

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