sur Thermador Groupe (EPA:THEP)

Thermador Group: Creation of a Dutreil pact

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Thermador Groupe (EPA:THEP).

On October 2, 2024, long-standing shareholders of Thermador Groupe decided to form a Dutreil pact. This pact represents 2,313,461 shares, or 25.14% of the capital and 25.23% of the voting rights. Extending over a period of two years, it was initiated by the beneficiaries of the founder, Guy Vincent.

The scheme aims to allow the founders' families to retain as many shares as possible after payment of inheritance tax. The main signatories include Investmentaktiengesellschaft für langfristige Investoren TGV, and Mr and Mrs de Sereys.

The agreement does not imply concerted action between the signatories, each remaining free to vote as they wish. Furthermore, Thermador Groupe holds 30,136 shares without voting rights.

R. E.

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