sur Direct Line Group (isin : GB00BY9D0Y18)
The Vanguard Group's Position in Direct Line Insurance Group

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has disclosed its position in Direct Line Insurance Group plc under the framework of Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code. The disclosure reveals that as of December 4, 2024, Vanguard owns and/or controls 71,526,401 ordinary shares of 10 10/11p each, representing a 5.45% interest in the company.
The disclosure also includes a comparison with Aviva plc, indicating additional interests Vanguard may have in the ongoing or prospective dealings related to the securities. Transactions made by Vanguard include the purchase of 45,139 shares at 2.33 GBP each and sales totaling 52,458 shares at prices ranging from 2.36 GBP to 2.37 GBP per unit.
No agreements or understandings regarding options or derivatives have been reported. The disclosure is complete with no Supplementary Form 8 attached, indicating no open stock-settled derivative positions.
R. P.
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