sur The Platform Group AG (isin : DE000A2QEFA1)

The Platform Group AG finalizes the integration of fashionette

The Platform Group AG (TPG), a leader in platform software solutions, has announced the creation of a dedicated subsidiary for the fashionette business. From March 2024, fashionette GmbH, located in Düsseldorf, will manage these activities. This development follows the merger of fashionette with The Platform Group GmbH & Co. KG in Q4 2023, which resulted in the transformation into The Platform Group AG. The objective, organized since 2023, was to structure fashionette as a GmbH to complete the holding structure at parent company (AG) level.

Dr. Dominik Benner, CEO of The Platform Group AG, confirmed the completion of this final stage of the merger. Laura Vogelsang and Dr. Benner will oversee the management of fashionette GmbH. This development allows The Platform Group AG to clarify its structure, now with fashionette GmbH, Brandfield BV, and The Platform Group GmbH & Co. KG under its wing. The structure will promote the integration of future acquisitions and a segment reporting approach.

R. P.

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