sur The Platform Group AG (isin : DE000A2QEFA1)
The Platform Group AG Acquires Herbertz GmbH
The Platform Group AG, a prominent software company in Solingen, Germany, has acquired Herbertz GmbH. Announced on February 24, 2025, the acquisition involves a 100% transfer of shares from Swiss Commerce Group, with completion expected in March 2025. Herbertz, founded in 1868, specializes in online distribution of outdoor products in Europe. The acquisition aims to enhance Herbertz’s visibility in retail and online markets, broadening sales opportunities for stationary retailers and manufacturers through online channels.
Dr. Dominik Benner, CEO of The Platform Group AG, highlighted the unique offerings of Herbertz, particularly its comprehensive logistics for manufacturers, and plans to onboard further partners in the outdoor sector. The Platform Group AG operates across 25 sectors with platform solutions, serving B2B and B2C customers, and reported sales of EUR 525 million in 2024.
R. P.
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