sur The Naga Group AG (isin : DE000A161NR7)

The NAGA Group: 'BUY' Recommendation Upheld with Promising Growth Prospects

The NAGA Group AG has received a reaffirmation of its "BUY" rating from SMC, accompanied by a stable price target of EUR 1.70. Currently, with a Xetra closing price of EUR 0.63, this indicates a significant upside potential of approximately 170%. This endorsement highlights the company's strategic shift towards a unified technology platform and a single-brand approach, laying a firm foundation for growth and improved margins.

The analysts from SMC underline substantial cost savings derived from the structural simplifications and process optimizations following the discontinuation of non-profitable ventures. These strategic moves aim to bolster service offerings and enhance financial efficiency, making NAGA an attractive prospect for investors seeking high-growth opportunities in the fintech sector.

R. E.

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