sur Manor AG

The Manor Cultural Prize 2025 crowns marce norbert hörler in St. Gallen

The jury of the Prix Culturel Manor has revealed marce norbert hörler as the winner for the canton of St. Gallen. This artist joins the five other emerging Swiss talents rewarded this year. These artists will have the opportunity to exhibit their works in 2025, thanks to this prestigious prize. Since its creation more than 40 years ago, the Prix Culturel Manor has promoted promising Swiss artists, becoming an essential reference in Switzerland.

Marce Norbert Hörler, born in 1989, is a multidisciplinary artist living between Appenzell and Berlin. His practice combines performance, poetry and visual arts, integrating perfumes and fabrics into his creations. Trained in the Netherlands and Switzerland, he/she has successfully made his/her art shine internationally. These recognitions and initiatives underline the importance of the Manor Cultural Prize in supporting the Swiss contemporary art scene.

R. P.

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