sur Tenth Avenue Petroleum Corp. (isin : CA88075A1021)

Tenth Avenue Petroleum Updates on Operational Progress

Tenth Avenue Petroleum Corp. has announced several key operational advancements. The Patricia Acquisition has been completed, adding 82 boe/d to their portfolio, with fluid handling enhancements bolstering the Mannville oil recovery project at Murray Lake. Current production stands at approximately 212 boe/d.

At Murray Lake, infrastructure improvements have increased water injection volumes to 926 bwpd, subsequently boosting oil production to over 43 bbls/d. Plans to further raise injection volumes aim to enhance recovery rates from the Mannville "A" pool.

Workovers at Hays and Vulcan have yielded an additional 49 boe/d. Exploration of potential future targets continues around the Mannville Basal Quartz opportunity, forecasting promising returns with modern drilling techniques.

The company has issued stock options for 1,345,000 shares to selected individuals, exercisable over three years.

R. H.

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