Tencent E-Sports launches e-sports globalization plan

On June 24, Tencent E-Sports broadcast a special program titled "Empower Esports Worldwide". This initiative aims to promote the globalization of the e-sports industry.

During the broadcast, Mars Hou, general manager of Tencent E-Sports, highlighted the importance of the globalization of e-sports. He mentioned that this industry is experiencing growing international acceptance, and that collaboration is essential to reach new levels.

Tencent E-Sports wants to work with industry partners to overcome various challenges. The company plans trade with nations including Saudi Arabia, France and Japan. The aim is to share experiences and promote international cooperation.

Tencent E-Sports aspires to become a bridge for exchanges between domestic and international e-sports ecosystems. This aims to facilitate communication and the global development of e-sports.

R. P.

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