sur Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA)
TCMA Advances Low-Carbon Initiatives at COP29 through 'SARABURI SANDBOX'
The Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA) presented the one-year achievements of the 'SARABURI SANDBOX' project at COP29 in Azerbaijan, highlighting its role in advancing Thailand's low-carbon transition. This initiative aligns with Thailand's aim for net zero emissions by 2050.
Together with local and international partners, TCMA has made significant strides, such as increasing alternative fuel use to 26% in the cement industry and implementing renewable energy projects. The collaboration includes global bodies like the GCCA and institutions such as Princeton University, aiming to elevate renewable energy potential and support climate policy alignment.
TCMA Chairman, Dr. Chana Poomee, emphasized the necessity for rapid multilateral collaboration across sectors, stressing the importance of aligning government policies and industry practices to overcome regulatory challenges and foster a sustainable low-carbon economy.
R. E.
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