sur Tax990

Tax990 Announces Streamlined E-filing Options Ahead of IRS Deadline

Today, May 15, 2024, marks a critical deadline for nonprofits to e-file their 990 series tax returns with the IRS, according to a press release from Tax990. Missing this deadline could negatively affect their compliance and public perception. This especially targets organizations following the calendar tax year that ended on December 31, 2023, and those that had extended their November 15, 2023, deadline using an 8868 form.

Tax990 offers a range of 990 forms suitable for different types of organizations, from smaller nonprofits to large private foundations. Additionally, it provides solutions to assist with state-level filings, such as the CA Form 199 for California-based organizations. They also encourage organizations to utilize their Form 8868 for an automatic six-month extension if unprepared by today’s deadline.

Key features of Tax990 include automatic inclusion of required schedules, simplified form preparations with options like Form-Based and Interview-Style Filing, and built-in error checks to ensure accuracy before submission. Organizations can also retransmit rejected returns for free, manage staff responsibilities, and seamlessly obtain approvals and e-signatures.

R. H.

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