sur Taranis Resources, Inc. (isin : CA87609B1076)
Taranis Reports Anomalous Gold Findings at Thor Project
Taranis Resources Inc. released new findings from their Thor project, highlighting two drill holes, Thor-246 and Thor-247, located southeast of the Broadview Mine. These holes revealed anomalous gold levels over significant widths, with Thor-246 showing a 53-meter zone of geochemical gold. The presence of this mineralization suggests proximity to a mineralized intrusive body.
Both holes targeted geophysical anomalies and underwent systematic geochemical analysis, revealing elements such as arsenic, tin, and zinc. The findings indicate a connection to a larger hydrothermal system, distinct from the surface-level epithermal deposit at Thor. The data will guide future exploration efforts, focusing on the Z-900/1300 feature and underlying intrusive targets.
Taranis continues to explore the Thor project, seeking to uncover the source of the epithermal deposit, which spans 2 km. These efforts aim to deepen understanding of the geological formations and mineral potential in the area.
R. H.
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