sur TAG Tegernsee Immobilien U. Beteiligungs AG (isin : DE0008303504)
TAG Honored with Special Prize at Real Estate Social Impact Investing Award 2024

TAG Immobilien AG received the special prize at the 2024 Real Estate Social Impact Investing Award. The award acknowledges TAG's commitment to creating strong neighbourhoods through its 'Sustainable Neighbourhood. For everyone.' initiative. This project is recognized for fostering community interactions and providing affordable housing.
The Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry e.V. acknowledged TAG's efforts in enhancing the quality of life in various locations like Merseburg, Chemnitz, and Brandenburg/Havel. Claudia Hoyer, COO and Co-CEO of TAG, emphasized the company's focus on sustainable development from economic, social, and ecological perspectives.
The award applauds innovative projects with social impact in real estate, promoting interaction and integration across diverse tenant groups. The initiative ensures that spaces remain socially responsible, affordable, and welcoming.
R. P.
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