sur Syngenta Group

Syngenta Group Welcomes Alf Barrios as Independent Director

Syngenta Group, a major player in agricultural innovation, has announced the appointment of Alf Barrios as a new independent director to its Board of Directors. This decision was made during the General Shareholders' Meeting held on February 14, 2025. Barrios, a Spanish and U.S. citizen, will also join the company's Compensation and Audit Committees.

Barrios brings over 35 years of experience in the natural resources and energy sectors. He recently retired from a top role at Rio Tinto, a global mining leader, where he contributed significantly to the company's commercial operations, especially in China and Japan. His extensive background includes 21 years with BP, focusing on global value chain management.

Barrios expressed enthusiasm about supporting Syngenta, which operates in more than 100 countries. Syngenta's Chairman, Li Fanrong, highlighted Barrios's expertise as crucial for the group's mission to advance agronomic solutions and digital services.

R. E.

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