sur Syngenta Group

Syngenta Group Reports Q3 2024 Results

Syngenta Group announced its financial performance for Q3 2024. The company's sales were $6.8 billion, static in comparison to the previous year, but up 4% at constant exchange rates (CER). EBITDA rose significantly by 112%, reaching $0.7 billion, while year-to-date sales totaled $21.4 billion, reflecting a drop due to challenging conditions.

Adverse weather and destocking impacted results, but demand for new technologies remains strong. While Argentina's sales suffered from a market decline, Syngenta Group China recorded double-digit growth. The Group continues to focus on enhancing operational efficiency and R&D to promote sustainable growth.

Improvements in Q4 2024 EBITDA are anticipated, aided by stringent financial discipline. Syngenta foresees market recovery post the first half of 2025.

R. H.

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