sur Syngenta Group
Syngenta Group intensifies collaborations in agricultural innovation
Syngenta Group, a leading technology company in the global agricultural sector, announced the strengthening of its collaborations following the launch of its innovation acceleration platform, Shoots by Syngenta. These partnerships aim to accelerate the creation of innovative solutions for agriculture through cross-sector exchanges.
For example, the collaboration with IBM Research has made it possible to use models based on natural language processing to predict and optimize the synthesis of chemical compounds, making it easier to bring new products to market. Likewise, the association with Maxygen, an American biotechnology firm, made it possible to optimize molecular technologies, thus increasing the efficiency of certain protein variants.
Shoots by Syngenta is also calling for collaborations for six new scientific challenges, seeking to engage diverse research and industry stakeholders in the development of innovative solutions for the agricultural sector.
R. E.
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