sur Swiss Merchant Group AG (isin : CH0323874260)

Swiss Merchant Group AG Arranges Swiss Mini Bond for Skill Solutions AG

Swiss Merchant Group AG will arrange a Swiss Mini Bond for Skill Solutions AG, with ISIN CH1362686268. The bond aims to raise up to CHF 8 million with an 8% interest rate and a 5-year term. The bond targets qualified and semi-institutional investors, adhering to FIDLEG/FINMA guidelines.

Swiss Merchant Group AG, a Swiss investor focused on sustainable investments, will lead a roadshow and meetings with investors in Zurich, Basel, and Geneva until July 15, 2024. Interested qualified parties can register directly with Swiss Merchant Group AG or Skill Solutions AG.

Skill Solutions AG, based in Zurich, is an HR technology holding company with a buy & build strategy. It focuses on education, skills, recruiting, and HR services for Swiss SMEs. The funds will support its growth efforts in these areas.

R. P.

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