sur Ever Vessel

Survey Uncovers Frequent Replacement of Reusable Water Bottles

A recent survey by Ever Vessel highlights the challenges faced by Americans in maintaining reusable water bottles. Conducted by Statista® with over 3,000 participants, the study reveals that while 85% of Americans use reusable bottles, more than half replace them within a year due to hygiene issues.

The survey indicates that despite the popularity of reusable bottles as an eco-friendly alternative, 32% of users replace their bottles within six months. The primary reasons cited are issues with odor and difficult cleaning processes. A significant 40% of participants admitted to replacing bottles because of these concerns.

Tim Bligh, Ever Vessel's head of product development, emphasizes the importance of design and quality materials in extending bottle lifespan. He notes, "Focusing on designs that facilitate safe and reliable cleaning is essential to reducing the replacement rate."

R. H.

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