sur Unily
Survey Highlights AI Adoption Challenges in Enterprises
A recent Unily survey reveals many enterprises struggle with AI adoption, lagging behind more agile competitors. Nearly 40% of employees feel their organizations fall behind due to slow AI integration. This gap results in significant differences in Organizational Velocity, impacting business agility and decision-making.
The survey of 800 workers from major enterprises highlights a lack of clear AI strategies. Only 20% view AI as essential for competition, with 36% unconvinced of its impact on performance. Governance issues stall progress, with over half of employees noting absent or vague AI policies.
A divide grows between “AI adopters” and “AI resistors” in the workforce. Surprisingly, 27% embrace new AI tech promptly, yet 32% have never used any AI tools at work. The financial implications are concerning, with 11% reporting loss to AI-using competitors.
Employees identify digital environment barriers as a major hurdle, with many overwhelmed by excessive tools. A focus on seamlessly integrating AI could enhance Organizational Velocity. The call is clear: embrace AI to boost productivity and retain talent.
R. E.
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