sur SumUp

SumUp Introduces New Loyalty Program "SumUp Connect" in the U.S.

SumUp, a key player in global financial services, announced the launch of its new customer loyalty and marketing program, SumUp Connect, in the United States. This innovative offering aims to enhance merchant capabilities in retaining and attracting customers through digital rewards and automated marketing initiatives.

The program, integrated within SumUp's Point of Sale system as well as compatible with third-party POS systems, allows merchants to maintain an engaging relationship with customers. Features of SumUp Connect include a customer directory, loyalty rewards, automated promotions using AI, and options to enhance customer reviews.

Users can sign up for a loyalty program using just their phone number at their first purchase, streamlining the process. By using SumUp Connect, merchants can keep customers informed and engaged through automated promotions. Besides customer retention, the program uses a consumer app and screens at partner locations to help small businesses promote their services locally.

Andrew Helms, CEO of SumUp USA, emphasized the program’s role in empowering small businesses to compete against major retailers, thereby fostering stronger local communities. SumUp Connect, with its suite of features, is primarily directed at high-traffic small businesses like beauty salons, spas, and boutique shops. Packages start at $49 per month, while the consumer-facing rewards management app is free.

R. H.

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