sur Sublimart

Sublimart Launches Its Initial NFT Art Collection Expanding Artists’ Reach Across the Globe

Sublimart, a company operating at the intersection of the physical and digital realms through Web3 and Metaverse technology, announced the introduction of its first NFT art collection named Buenos Aires 1. This collection aims to open global doors for Argentinian artists, showcasing a diverse range of techniques and styles in the NFT space. Co-founder Natalia Janna emphasized the platform’s dedication to disrupting the art world by providing artists with a broad, borderless audience for their work.

The company has developed a novel migration process employing advanced technologies such as lasers, scanning robots, and VR to ensure artists can seamlessly transition their physical pieces to the blockchain. This initiative not only simplifies the process of entering the NFT world for artists but also magnifies their potential reach. Carlos Muslera, a well-known artist, recognized Sublimart’s pivotal role in unveiling new avenues for artists at the collection's debut at Miami Art Basel, describing it as a gateway to unique experiences and unexplored opportunities.

Sublimart’s Buenos Aires 1 collection will be openly available to the public starting March 28th and can be accessed via OpenSea at the designated link.

R. P.

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