sur BetterNurse
Study reveals alarming increase in burnout among nurses in the United States
The organization has released an in-depth study on burnout among nurses in the United States, highlighting the extent of the issue exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This analysis showcases the states and periods where burnout is most prevalent, based on Google Trends data and other research.
According to the study, Arizona and Los Angeles, California, are respectively the most affected state and metropolitan area by this phenomenon. The most critical periods were identified as the week of November 26 to December 2, 2023, and the week of April 17 to 23, 2022, with the latter marking the peak of burnout in the past five years.
The main causes, such as understaffing and unsustainable workloads, were examined to understand the emotional impact on healthcare professionals. The study emphasizes the importance of change strategies, from personal care to systemic changes and legislative activism, to address this critical issue.
In conclusion, it calls for collective action to create a healthcare system that supports the well-being of nursing staff, essential for optimal patient care.
R. P.
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