sur Kibaran Resources Limited (isin : AU000000KNL2)

Study Confirms EcoGraf HFfree™ Process Cost Advantages

EcoGraf Limited has completed a comparative independent benchmarking study of its EcoGraf HFfree™ purification process for natural spherical graphite used in lithium-ion battery anode material manufacturing.

The study highlighted several advantages of the EcoGraf HFfree™ process. It offers competitive economics and generates primarily benign or inert residues, reducing hazardous waste production. Additionally, the process is scalable and can be integrated within battery manufacturing hubs.

The benchmarking program was conducted by a global consultancy and assessed the technical and economic efficiency of various purification methods. The study confirmed EcoGraf's process advantages over high temperature chlorination, ultra-high temperature, and hydrofluoric-hydrochloric methods.

The capital and operating costs for all purification processes were evaluated based on a US location with adjustments made for accurate comparison. The results support the efficiency of EcoGraf's patented purification process, achieving ultra-high purity 4N 99.99% carbon.

EcoGraf is also developing a Product Qualification Facility (PQF) to provide lithium-ion battery market customers with its high-purity, low emission battery anode material. The company expects to release a progress update soon as the commissioning progresses well.

R. E.

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